Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Loppemarked season

Hello lovers and haters,
I hope you enjoyed our little segment about loppemarkeds this week! I did indeed talk with Peter Watz from www.loppemarked.info about how to break into the flea market scene. If you didn't get a chance to hear him here's a little about what we talked about:
1) The best bargains can be found earlier in the day, so consider setting your alarm clock and getting up *gasp* EARLY this weekend. There are also many tasty treats to be had, so roll your sad-hungover self out of bed, and get your morning waffles at the flea market.
2) If you're a secret treasure hunter, be a discerning shopper. Look at a tags on clothing... old designer clothing can be worth a fortune. Also, check old books to see if they have been signed by the author because that will increase their value exponentially. Remember: their is a myth that an old Edvard Munch painting was found at flea market in Oslo, and sold for a fraction of the price to a clever buyer. This could be you!
3) As a rule, the best finds can be found on the outskirts of the city. This is where rich pensioners are starting to retire and give away all their things!
4) Top tip for this weekend. The best bicycles this weekend can probably be found at the flea market in Ekeberg hageby. These should sell from anywhere between 100 and 300 NOK... quite a deal if you ask me! More information can be found at the loppemarked website, but Ekeberg can be reached either by bus 34 (Ekeberg Hageby) or by the trikken.
Alright kids, this should be plenty of advice. And keep in mind: all of the proceeds from the loppemarkeds go to charity, so spend freely. It's one the only shopping experiences in Norway that shouldn't hurt your pocketbook too much!
Best of luck,
G-to-the-wizzle (aka Gwyneth).
ps. Consult www.trafikanten.no to figure out how the heck to get to these flea markets.

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