Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pulse, 13.09.2009

Kulturnatt in Olso! The upcoming week offers a lot of events: such like Oslos Kulturnatt. A Night full of cultural events like exhibitions, concerts and acrobatics. Next Friday more than 80 cultural institutions present themselves in a unique and exciting manner. The cultural night is an international concept and its aim is to introduce both the inhabitans of Oslo and the tourists to the cultural acitivities of the city. The most interesting thing for you might be that almost every event is for free. So just go to the city on friday and experience the wide cultural side of Oslo. You can find the whole program with more details on www.oslokulturnatt.no

One can still find it - the economy crisis. The first panic attack is over but there are still problems to be solved. And one of the big question that remains is: How have we got into that? The documentary film „Let's make money“ tried to answer this question. Now the Oslo dokumentarkino shows this impressive and quite terrifying documentary from Erwin Wagenhofer. On wednesday you'll maybe find not all the answers, but you will see the world from a different point of view. The film is shown at the Literaturhuset at 7 pm. One ticket costs 80 Kroner.

Have fun!

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